Joseph Hubertus developed Pilates over 90 years ago. He introduced his technique to the U.S. in 1926 by opening a New York fitness studio, which became very popular with dancers, gymnasts, actors and sports enthusiasts. Because current research has proven the importance of functional exercise, there has been an overwhelming revival of interest in the amazing Pilates technique. Pilates increases your flexibility, core strength, balance, concentration and control in order to optimize your level of physical fitness.
*You will need a mat or a towel for this workout.
Pilates 100 - lie on your back, knees bent at a 45 degree angle off the floor, arms out, hands parallel to the floor, pat hands down while inhaling and exhaling every 5 pats.
Leg Circles - lie on your back with your arms flat on the floor, left leg bent and foot on the floor, straighten right leg and point toe, as if you were drawing small circles on the ceiling begin by going right and then left 8 times in each direction. Change sides and repeat. As you rotate foot, inhale, exhale.
Single-Leg Raise - lie on your back, with left leg bent and on the floor, right leg extended overhead, slowly bring leg down 6-12 inches off floor and then up. Do this 20 times on each leg, inhale and exhale with each raise or lower.
Scissor Stretch - lie on your back, emulate the form of open scissors by extending the left straight out- toe pointed and right extended over head, lift your head off the ground tucking chin into chest, gazed affixed to your belly button, reach both hands behind right leg at the calf or hamstring, hold for 2 secs then switch, continue with this rotation 12 times, rest.
Teaser - lie on your back, both feet over head, inhale, extend your arms behind the body and as you lift to a seated position reach the arms toward the legs. Visualize yourself as a V, hold this position for 5 sec and slowly release, do this 5 more times.
Repeat series 3 more times