Starting a walking exercise regiment is easy. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes and a safe walking course and you are ready to hit the trails. This workout is especially great for those who work in an office environment. If you have a 15 minute break, then instead of chatting or noshing on brownies in the break-room take this opportunity to tone-up, de-stress, and reset.
*GOOD - To increase intensity carry 3-5 lbs weights in hand
*BETTER - Do bi-cep curls as you walk
*BEST - Walk in Zone 7 for (8 minutes of this workout, 3 min warm-up and 3 min cool-down, 1 min stretch)
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
Zone 1 - You are not moving
Zone 3 - You are strolling
Zone 5 - You are experiencing a comfortable walking pace
Zone 7 - You might have difficulty holding a conversation, you're slightly breathless
Zone 9 - You feel as if you're about to take off in a light jog
Min 1-3: Level 3 (warm-up)
Min 3-6: Level 5
Min 6-9: Level 7
Min 9-11: Level 9
Min 11-14: Level 3 (cool down)
1 Minute Stretch: Forward Fold - Bend at the waist and let the arms hang, try touching your toes, hold for a minute and slowly roll up stacking your vertebrae one on top of the other until you are standing up. Roll your shoulders down and back, chest lifted.