What is Closet Eating?
Closet eating is a common occurrence. Nearly everyone has quirks about what they feel they should or shouldn't eat in front of other people. It can be as innocent as not wanting your spouse to see you eating a candy bar, or as serious as a continuous "eating on the sly" routine which can go unrecognized by the individual.
Does this Sound Familiar?
"I eat normally when I'm out, but when I get home I'm just stuffing my face like crazy .. it's so bad .. and I feel like I "deserve" it .. when I really don't .. sometimes I feel like I'm trying to find happiness .. and that I get stressed when it comes to doing things and I know that food will always be there to make it better ..."
The above is a quote from a young woman trying to understand her dieting patterns. Closet eating is dangerous because it signals more difficult issues in our lives. Some report while binging they feel as if calories consumed while no one is around, is like not eating at all. Only to become extremely sad after eating unhealthy foods. The pressures of the media and unsupportive family and friends who are critical of your body size cause serious guilty feelings that translate into binging behaviors that cause extra physical and emotional stress that overtime could take its toll.
Employ a Plan to Move Beyond
To recitify emotional feelings leading to self-mistreatment, the root causes can emerge if medical help is sought, one must employ a stress management plan, and/or takes control of the situation at hand causing high levels of stress. After some self-evaluation, closet eating will be a thing of the past.