Have you ever been so bored or so upset, the only thing that would cure your insatiable hunger is a slice of strawberry cheesecake or half a dozen donuts? After the first bite you may feel guilty enough to polish-off the carton in frustration that once again you have fallen off the wagon.
The key to staying off the emotional roller coaster and staying on a healthy track of eating is to recognize the cues that make you want to binge. Boredom, emotional hurt, or habit are all likely to make you reach for unhealthy food choices to help console your feelings of loneliness, frustration or lack of will-power. Let's face it, if you don't get your eating under control then you may be on a downward spiral for obesity related illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, becoming morbidly obese, joint stress, and depression. These concerns are very real and unnecessary, but you have to take control of how you deal with the cues leading to poor eating choices.
Ways to deal with emotional eating is to find what the root causes of your frustration are and deal with what ails you. Short-term fixes are to take a walk or call a supportive friend. If you must eat something spring for a cup of tea with a teaspoon of honey or popcorn and ice water.
You see, I understand. I have been on this emotional roller coaster and know how it feels to feel helplessly out of control, but I also had the tools and information that helped me to land on solid ground.