Journal to Lose Weight

Maintaining a weight-loss journal has its benefits. When I personal train clients I ensure success if clients keep a weight-loss journal otherwise, I cannot be so reasonably optimistic about the results. A weight-loss journal typically will note, what kinds of food you consume, time of day you consumed, portion size, calories consumed, fat, protein, carbohydrates, sodium and water content.

For starters, I suggest keeping a weight-loss journal for 30 days. Afterwards, I suggest you hire a qualified personal trainer or nutritionist to help you to analyze the results. The $200.00 or less is well worth the investment in the long run. The investment could potentially help you get off the weight-loss roller coaster you may have endured over the course of your adult life. It's in the analysis that you will find which foods work for you and see what nutritional combination worked best for you and how those foods made you feel.

Jotting down your physical activity log is a great idea as well. Write down how much time you spend daily on physical activity. You can also jot down the type of fitness you engage in just to see what is the most effective form of exercise to help you reach your weight-loss goals.

Finally, recording your weekly weight is necessary. This is the gauge, right? There is satisfaction in your clothes fitting looser than before, but let's face it - you are in this game to lose weight.

By incorporating a weight-loss, exercise, and weigh-in journal you will have success because you will have the tools you need to determine what works specifically for you and your lifestyle long-term.