Most of the human body is made up of water (H2O) or 65% with cells consisting of 65-90% water by weight. Likewise, carbon (C), the basic unit for organic molecules, comes in second at 16.99% of the mass of the human body is made up of just six elements: oxygen (O), carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), calcium (CA).

Fats are chains of molecules (carbon and hydrogen molecules with one oxygen molecules that are bonded to glycerol [triglycerides]). There are three classifications of fat: saturated, mono-unsaturated, poly-unsaturated. Each one is defined by the number of hydrogen molecules that bind to the carbon. Saturated fats are not double bonded, meaning that the carbon will bond with as many hydrogen molecules as it can.

Digest This: Here I develop a workout program that addresses the needs of the body to fulfill its carbon destiny.

Carbon Core Fitness Offers American Red Cross Health and Safety Trainings

As Licensed Training Providers (LTP) of the American Red Cross we offer training courses to outside companies, organizations or individuals. We provide American Red Cross instructional programs in accordance with the standards and objectives of the following program(s):
  • American Red Cross CPR/AED/FIRST AID Lay Responder
  • American Red Cross CPR/AED/FIRST AID Instructor Trainer
  • Healthcare Professional Rescuers
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers 
  • Baby Sitters
  • Blood-Borne Pathogens
  • Wilderness Training 
(Add-On Modules: Ergonomics, Workplace Injury Prevention, Stress Management or Workplace Violence Certified)

WORKOUT: The Abeni 10

If you want to shape up you must face the reality that you are going to have amp up your exercise regiment to drop the weight that inches on the body over time. I have put together a program that anyone can do inside 15 minutes. By moving through the circuit quickly you will burn calories, sculpt muscles and feel the way that is only possible by the increase of naturally occurring endorphins in the body. Let’s get started.

If you have any health concerns, see a physician before beginning any rigorous training program. Make sure you wear comfortable clothes and shoes to reduce possible overexertion and slippage resulting in poor footwear. Make sure to have cool water by your side to hydrate as needed. Rest as needed. You can perform exercises with or without hand weights. The size of poundage depends on your fitness level and goals. For beginners, I suggest 3-5 lbs, Intermediate 7-15 lbs and advanced 20+ lbs. *Please note the poundage refers to each hand weight.


The Abeni 10 is a group of exercises that when done in conjunction produces a cardio effect by raising the resting heart rate, toning the muscles of the legs, arms, core and back improving core strength and improving flexibility, endurance and strength. You can do this set of exercises in very little physical space. Time should not be an inhibitor because you will burn between 250 and 400 calories by doing The Abeni 10 within a 10 to 15 minute timeframe.

You will perform each exercise for 1 minute:

1. Marching in Place increases your core body temperature and warms your muscles for more intense moves later.

2. Jumping Jacks provide a greater increase in cardiovascular training while aligning your posture, toning shoulders, back, core and legs, particularly the calves.

3. Weighted Squats keeps the heart pumping because of the large amount of blood that is required to support the lower body doing this kind of work. The added benefit is increased calorie burn. To do this exercise properly separate legs a little more than shoulder width of the body and bend knees to lower body while keeping back straight.

4. Weighted Lunges (Right leg) Simply stand in a wide-squat and turn torso and knees to the right side of the body. Keep the back straight as you drop the front knee down at a 45 degree angle. Make sure knees do not go over toes.

5. Weighted Lunges (Left leg) same as above, but turn body to the left side.

6. Jump Rope or Down Out and Ups – You do not have to have a physical jump rope, but if you do the better. Down out and Ups is a military drill that increases cardio endurance and tones the entire body. If you have back problems either march in place or jump rope to get similar effects. To do this exercise 1. Stand straight up 2. Bend down and touch floor with hands to support body 3. Press legs behind you in plank position 4. Bring knees back to number 2 position 5. Stand up. (To increase intensity give a small hop as you stand) Immediately repeat exercise for duration of time.

7. Push Ups tone the shoulders, chest, back, and core. To do a correct Push Up simply lie down on stomach, put hands beside chest, tuck toes to support body and lift by pushing up with hands. To modify this movement once in plank position drop knees to ground with knees bent, bottoms of feet parallel to the ceiling. Do not cross legs as this results in mal-alignment of skeletal structure.

8. Abs Crossovers/Bicycles have been rated the top abdominal exercise by the American Sports and Fitness Association because it recruits every muscle group within the core area. To do this lie on back with hands behind head and knees lifted in a 45 degree angle, bring the right elbow to left knee as right leg extends straight – then switch to other side. Immediately repeat exercise for duration of time.

9. Vertical Leg Lifts strengthens core to include lower back. While lying on back place hands underneath the small of the back for support, lift legs to a 90 degree angle and then lower down to 6-12 inches from the ground. Immediately repeat exercise for duration of time.

10. T-twist/Saw cools the body and provides additional toning to the shoulders and back while stretching the back and legs. Stand to your feet, separate legs in wide stance bring arms out in a T – form, with right hand turn torso to reach for left toe and then stand and turn to left side. If you have back problems simply sit with legs out stretched and shoulder length apart, raise arms in T – form and alternate from right to left as you reach for toes in seated position.

Of course you may repeat this grouping of exercises continually while adding variations of your choice. The Abeni 10 works because it allows you to exercise in short, intense bursts (interval training) for effective fat burning after exercise and over time you can increase the amount of resistance/strength/weight training you do, to build more lean muscle. Keep in mind that muscle is ‘metabolically active’ and burns more calories than other body tissue even when you’re not moving. Last, Exercise is paramount for overall health to control weight, blood pressure and relieve stress, but it must be coupled with proper eating habits for long-term results. Remember: There are no quick fixes, but with determination you will reach your weight and physical goals.

Exercises that Torch 600 calories

Who doesn't want to be trim, fit and healthy? If you want to burn mega calories you have to do cardiovascular exercise. Depending on the intensity means spending more or less time doing certain exercises. Let us examine the stats. To burn 600 calories, you could do any of the following:

50 mins of swimming
60 mins of kickboxing
69 mins of jogging
92 mins of cycling
167 mins of walking

Exercise Capsule 1

So, how did you do today? For tomorrow's workout I propose we do strength training. Jumping Jacks, Squats, Lunges, Push-Ups and Crunches. Do 3 sets of 20.

Exercise Capsule 2

WORKOUT: 45 min cardio, 2 sets of 20 push-ups and bicycle crunches, 5 min stretch.

Exercise Capsule 3

Weekly Workout - Cardio - Running, Biking, Jumping, Walking, Skipping, Loving. Monday at least 1 hour cardio, Wednesday at least 45 minutes of cardio, Friday at least 30 minutes of cardio. Tuesday and Thursday - Strength Training: Squats, Lunges (watch knee over toe), bench press/push-ups, bicycle crunches, bicep curls, over-head press, stretch. 3 sets/Tues and 2 sets/Thurs 15

Kettleball Workout

Kettlebells, while not new, are quickly becoming the go-to functional workouts for a wide variety of clients. The spherical shape makes it possible to work with curvilinear movement, centrifugal force and momentum. As long as both trainer and participant receive proper instruction, kettlebells can provide a safe, effective, time-efficient workout that engages multiple muscle groups, including the core. No muscle can escape a “swing” workout, so pick up a kettlebell when you have a chance!

Kettlebell Safety

Like any strength equipment, kettlebells can cause serious injury when used inappropriately. Proper use requires strength, coordination and practice. Because most swing exercises require a higher amount of weight than the participant can typically press or pull, technique is extremely important. Each kettlebell exercise involves multiple joints and muscle groups plus momentum. It takes participants time to adjust to these new demands. Mastering the movement patterns requires guidance, instruction and patience. The biggest mistake beginners make is lifting a kettlebell that is too heavy to control. After the basics are mastered, increasing the weight can provide a strength workout unmatched by machines or even dumbbells.

Common Concerns

Back. Basic kettlebell moves require back endurance. They also strengthen the back extensors. Proper positioning includes core bracing, which has been shown to decrease back pain and strain. As with any exercise, it is important to learn correct form and technique to avoid back pain.

Shoulders. Increased range of motion and greater shoulder joint integrity can be achieved with proper kettlebell usage. Many people try to “muscle it up” and use the shoulders primarily, which can cause soreness or injury.

Arm Overload. At first glance, a kettlebell workout may look like it involves a lot of overload to the arms, because it appears as if the swings are done by pulling up with the arms. However, when executed properly, the swing is all about “hip drive,” which trains the lower body and core. The back and shoulders act as stabilizers, not as primary movers, as they do not pull up or lift the kettlebell during the swing.

Sample Kettlebell Program

The most common kettlebell exercise is the swing. The swing should be viewed as the foundation exercise and needs to be mastered before other momentum exercises are introduced.

The following exercises make up an introductory kettlebell “swing” session:

One-Arm Swing. Grasp handle with one hand in overhand grip with slight elbow bend. Position feet slightly wider than hip width, and assume athletic stance. Upper body should be upright, with chest lifted and shoulder blades retracted. Free arm should be out to side of body. Rotate body slightly, allowing kettlebell to hang between legs. Initiate swing by rocking hips (versus using shoulders to lift bell). Raise bell upward with momentum, and give forceful hip thrust at top of movement. Bell should go no higher than eye level, with bell pointed away from body at end of arm. Allow gravity to bring bell downward in controlled manner. Keep spine at neutral, rather than rounded, at bottom of movement. Perform desired number of repetitions.

One-Arm Alternating Swing. Repeat steps above (one-arm swing), but switch to other hand at top of movement.

Two-Arm Swing. Perform in same manner as one-arm swing, but with two-hand grip on handle.

Around-the-Body Pass (at waist level). Grasp handle with both hands in overhand grip with slight elbow bend. Position feet slightly wider than hip width apart, and assume athletic stance. Upper body should be upright, with chest lifted and shoulder blades retracted. Release one hand from bell, allowing opposite hand to bring bell behind body. Free hand should grasp bell at back of body and complete the rotation. Grasp kettlebell firmly to avoid dropping it. After desired number of repetitions, repeat in opposite direction.

Figure Eight (between the legs). Grasp handle with right hand in overhand grip with slight elbow bend. Position feet slightly wider than hip width apart, and assume athletic stance. Upper body should be upright, with chest lifted and shoulder blades retracted. Left arm should be out to side and ready to accept kettlebell. Begin movement by handing bell from right hand to left hand through legs from front of body to back. Left hand then brings bell around from back of body to front of body. Continue this figure-eight pattern by passing bell through legs again from left hand to right hand. After desired number of repetitions, repeat in opposite direction.

As an introduction to kettlebells, these five exercises provide an appropriate full-body workout for most without physical limitations. After a full-body warm-up, perform each exercise for approximately 30 seconds, rest and repeat.

For more in-depth information on kettlebells, please refer to the full article, “Kettlebell Comeback,” in the online IDEA Library or in February 2010 IDEA Fitness Journal. Watch the author explain and perform several kettlebell moves on video taken at the 2008 IDEA World Fitness Convention®. Access the footage at

Pilates Abs: Workout

Joseph Hubertus developed Pilates over 90 years ago. He introduced his technique to the U.S. in 1926 by opening a New York fitness studio, which became very popular with dancers, gymnasts, actors and sports enthusiasts. Because current research has proven the importance of functional exercise, there has been an overwhelming revival of interest in the amazing Pilates technique. Pilates increases your flexibility, core strength, balance, concentration and control in order to optimize your level of physical fitness.

*You will need a mat or a towel for this workout.

Pilates 100 - lie on your back, knees bent at a 45 degree angle off the floor, arms out, hands parallel to the floor, pat hands down while inhaling and exhaling every 5 pats.

Leg Circles - lie on your back with your arms flat on the floor, left leg bent and foot on the floor, straighten right leg and point toe, as if you were drawing small circles on the ceiling begin by going right and then left 8 times in each direction. Change sides and repeat. As you rotate foot, inhale, exhale.

Single-Leg Raise - lie on your back, with left leg bent and on the floor, right leg extended overhead, slowly bring leg down 6-12 inches off floor and then up. Do this 20 times on each leg, inhale and exhale with each raise or lower.

Scissor Stretch - lie on your back, emulate the form of open scissors by extending the left straight out- toe pointed and right extended over head, lift your head off the ground tucking chin into chest, gazed affixed to your belly button, reach both hands behind right leg at the calf or hamstring, hold for 2 secs then switch, continue with this rotation 12 times, rest.

Teaser - lie on your back, both feet over head, inhale, extend your arms behind the body and as you lift to a seated position reach the arms toward the legs. Visualize yourself as a V, hold this position for 5 sec and slowly release, do this 5 more times.

Repeat series 3 more times


Office Plan: You Got 15 Minutes? Walk it Off

Starting a walking exercise regiment is easy. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes and a safe walking course and you are ready to hit the trails. This workout is especially great for those who work in an office environment. If you have a 15 minute break, then instead of chatting or noshing on brownies in the break-room take this opportunity to tone-up, de-stress, and reset.

*GOOD - To increase intensity carry 3-5 lbs weights in hand
*BETTER - Do bi-cep curls as you walk
*BEST - Walk in Zone 7 for (8 minutes of this workout, 3 min warm-up and 3 min cool-down, 1 min stretch)

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

Zone 1 - You are not moving
Zone 3 - You are strolling
Zone 5 - You are experiencing a comfortable walking pace
Zone 7 - You might have difficulty holding a conversation, you're slightly breathless
Zone 9 - You feel as if you're about to take off in a light jog

Min 1-3: Level 3 (warm-up)
Min 3-6: Level 5
Min 6-9: Level 7
Min 9-11: Level 9
Min 11-14: Level 3 (cool down)

1 Minute Stretch: Forward Fold - Bend at the waist and let the arms hang, try touching your toes, hold for a minute and slowly roll up stacking your vertebrae one on top of the other until you are standing up. Roll your shoulders down and back, chest lifted.

Fight or Flight: Kickboxing Workout

To prepare for this workout you will need a comfortable pair of shoes and clothes that are form-fitting enough so they do not harbour your movement. Some people like to wrap their knees or elbows to protect them. Get ready to Kick Butt!

*Tip: Keep your joints soft so you don't tear tissue.


Jog in place for (2 min)
Boxer Shuffle (2 min)
Jump Rope (2 min)
Jumping Jacks (1 min)

Segment 1

Front Punch, right and left (1 min)
Side Punch, right (1 min) left (1 min)
Cross, right and left (1 min)
Upper Cut, right and left (1 min)

Repeat Twice More

Segment 2

Front Kicks, right and left (1 min)
Side Kicks, right and left (1 min)
Back Kicks, right and left (1 min)
Round House Kick, right and left (1 min)

Repeat Twice More

Segment 3

50 Jumping Jacks
Jump Rope (2 min)
Jog in Place (2 min)
15 push-ups REST 8 counts 15 push-ups
15 crunches REST 8 counts 15 crunches

Repeat Twice More


Wintery Mix Jump Rope Workout

Just because you are stuck in the house today does not give you an excuse to miss your workout. You can jump your way to fitness. For this workout you will need 45 minutes, a banging music mix, a jump rope and a pair of 5, 8, 10 or 12 pound hand weights, choose weight depending on your fitness level.

Segment 1

March In Place for 1 min
Jumping Jacks for 1 min
Jump Rope for 1 min
Using hand weights Squat 15 reps
(Repeat Once)

Segment 2

Jump Rope for 1 min
Using hand weights Lunge 15 reps each leg
Jump Rope for 2 min
Front Kick right and left leg for 1 min
Jump Rope for 3 min

Segment 3

Jump Rope for 1 min
Push-Ups 15 reps
Jump Rope for 2 min
Push-Ups 15 reps
Jump Rope for 3 min
Push-Ups 15 reps

Segment 4

Jump Rope for 1 min
Using Hand weights Bi-cep curls 15 reps
Jump Rope for 2 min
Using Hand weights Over-Head Tri-cep Press 15 reps
Jump Rope for 3 min
Using Hand weights Over-Head Shoulder Press 15 reps

Segment 5

Plank - Hold 15 sec, rest 8 sec
Plank - Hold 30 sec, rest 8 sec
Side Plank (R-L) - Hold 15 sec, rest 8 sec
Prone Back Extentions


Booty Lift Workout

If you have 45 minutes, you can do this workout. It is designed to lift and scuplt your behind while burning 250 calories. This workout will have you looking as great going as coming.


1-3, 2.5, 0
3-5, 3.0, 1
6-10, 3.5, 5
11-15, 5.0, 7
16-20, 3.5, 8
21-25, 3.0, 10
26-30, 2.5, 8
31-35, 2.0, 0
36-40 - 3 sets, 15 reps of abdominal crunches
41-45 - Stretch

The "GIT R DONE" Workout

There is a reason why you should always have a workout bag in the car complete with workout clothes, a comfortable pair of gym shoes and a water bottle. If you are like me, you pass the gym at least once a day and think should I go or shouldn't I?

That is why I have put together a no nonsense workout that will help you get your workout in minimum time. In fact, you can literally be in and out of the gym in 45 minutes after changing into your workout clothes, blasting through cardio, lifting weights, hitting abs, showering and changing back into your street clothes.

1-5 min - Change Clothes

5-7 - Warm-Up on Treadmill

7-19 - Steady State Jogging (5.5 MPH)

19-21 - Cool-Down by Walking

21-22 - Walk to Weights

22-23 - Superset Chest Press or Push-Ups (25 reps)

24-25 - Superset Bi-ceps (25 reps)

26-27 - Superset Overhead Tri-cep Press or Tri-cep Dips (25 reps)

28-29 - Superset Overhead Shoulder Press (25 reps)

30-31 - Ball Ab Crunches or Bicycle Crossovers (25 reps)

31-34 - Stretch (Lay on Floor, Extend Arms Overhead, Drive Knees into Chest, Drop Knees Right for 30 sec and then Left for 30 sec. Gently rock body front to back and then into seated position.

35-40 - Take Quick Shower

40-45 - Dress into Street Clothes and Hit the Door


Laughing Can Shed Unwanted Pounds

Most adults have very demanding lives. Many spend an average of 58.6 hours at work, balance family, civic and religious organizations. With our daily lives consumed with more responsibility to shake a fist at, I have found the single cure to a dreary day. Laughing. I love to laugh. The more I laugh, the better perspective I have on everything in life. Apparently, laughing has amazing health and weight-loss benefits.

"The old saying that 'laughter is the best medicine,' definitely appears to be true when it comes to protecting your heart," says Michael Miller, M.D., director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center and a professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. "We don't know yet why laughing protects the heart, but we know that mental stress is associated with impairment of the endothelium, the protective barrier lining our blood vessels. This can cause a series of inflammatory reactions that lead to fat and cholesterol build-up in the coronary arteries and ultimately to a heart attack. "People who believe in the benefits of laughter say it can be like a mild workout -- and may offer some of the same advantages as a cardio workout.

One pioneer in laughter research, William Fry, claimed it took ten minutes on a rowing machine for his heart rate to reach the level it would after just one minute of hearty laughter. "The effects of laughter and exercise are very similar. Combining laughter and movement, like waving your arms, is a great way to boost your heart rate."

Maciej Buchowski, a researcher from Vanderbilt University, conducted a small study in which he measured the amount of calories expended in laughing. It turned out that 10-15 minutes of laughter burned 50 calories.

So the next time you can't muster the physical energy to workout, pop in your favorite comedy, prepare to double over, hoot and cat call. Laugh at everything and behind closed doors laugh at everyone. (Of course with moral justification - Wink!)

Childhood Obesity: Let's Move!!!

In celebration of our first lady Michelle Obama's new Let's Move Campaign which is to thwart childhood obesity in America. Presidential memorandum state that childhood obesity has reached epidemic rates and, as a result, our children may live shorter lives than their parents. Obesity has been recognized as a problem for decades, but efforts to address this crisis to date have been insufficient. Most astonishing America spends over 150 billion dollars a year to fight obesity.

President Obama is committed to redoubling efforts to solve the problem of childhood obesity within a generation through a comprehensive approach that builds on effective strategies, engages families and communities, and mobilizes both public and private sector resources.

All Americans are experiencing obesity at an astonishing rate; this is why it is important for people to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. The Aerobic and Fitness Association of America published in their 1997 edition of Fitness – Theory and Practice that dieting is a way of life for 63 million Americans. Diets have a 5-10% success rate. It is clear now that diet alone will not ensure thinness or healthiness in most people.

Moreover, according to a report produced by the American Medical Association entitled, “Obesity: Not Just a Phase Kids Outgrow”, the U.S. Surgeon General has said the high incidence of overweight and obesity in young people ages 12-19 is the greatest threat to public health today. Parents who are health savvy can thwart problems caused by obesity in youth by providing examples and encouragement that may help to ward off premature incidents of high blood pressure, heart disease, complications of diabetes, psychological disorders, and a host of other chronic conditions associated with extra weight.

For more information:
Michelle Obama's Campaign:

Weigh-In Tips

The importance of weigh-ins are critical to weight loss success. One strategy that works for me is posting my weekly or daily weigh-ins on the refrigerator. This is certainly a wake-up call when the snack attack monster lurks late at night. Incorporate this tactic into your weight loss strategy and soon you will see the numbers on the scale plummet to the basement.

Nutrition Re-Mix

By now, you know there is no quick fix to losing weight and becoming nutritionally healthy. Below you will find favorable food items out of each food group for consideration to incorporate into your diet. You should incorporate one of each at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks should consist of a protein and a low glycemic index (LGI) food item, meaning they do not spike insulin levels as opposed to high glycemic index (HGI) food items that do.

Whole wheat breads, pitas, rolls
1 cup Oatmeal
1 cup of Bulgur Wheat
1/2 cup of brown rice



1 cup of yougurt
1 oz of cheese
1 cup of cottage cheese
2 egg whites

3 - 4oz of Lean Meats
Soy or Whey Protein Powder

Use Sparingly
No Fried Foods

Journal to Lose Weight

Maintaining a weight-loss journal has its benefits. When I personal train clients I ensure success if clients keep a weight-loss journal otherwise, I cannot be so reasonably optimistic about the results. A weight-loss journal typically will note, what kinds of food you consume, time of day you consumed, portion size, calories consumed, fat, protein, carbohydrates, sodium and water content.

For starters, I suggest keeping a weight-loss journal for 30 days. Afterwards, I suggest you hire a qualified personal trainer or nutritionist to help you to analyze the results. The $200.00 or less is well worth the investment in the long run. The investment could potentially help you get off the weight-loss roller coaster you may have endured over the course of your adult life. It's in the analysis that you will find which foods work for you and see what nutritional combination worked best for you and how those foods made you feel.

Jotting down your physical activity log is a great idea as well. Write down how much time you spend daily on physical activity. You can also jot down the type of fitness you engage in just to see what is the most effective form of exercise to help you reach your weight-loss goals.

Finally, recording your weekly weight is necessary. This is the gauge, right? There is satisfaction in your clothes fitting looser than before, but let's face it - you are in this game to lose weight.

By incorporating a weight-loss, exercise, and weigh-in journal you will have success because you will have the tools you need to determine what works specifically for you and your lifestyle long-term.

Water is the Fountain of Weight-Loss

Drink Plenty of Water to keep you hydrated during the blistering day. The weight loss benefit is that you will be fuller, which means consuming less calories. Additionally, if you drink at least 8 oz of water prior to eating a meal you will eat less. Don't forget about the benefit of your organs working more effectively.

For the average person experts suggest getting at least 64 ounces of water daily or eight 8-ounce glasses. If you are on a diet to lose weight it is more important to consume more and keep drinking water throughout the day, unless you have any medical condition that doesn't allow much water intake. A good guide for daily intake is to drink 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of body weight. A 200 pound person should be drinking around 100 ounces (12.5 cups) of water in order the gain the benefits of increased energy and metabolism.

If exercising is part of a weight loss program a bit more water should be included to account for water loss from sweating. Drinking water before, during and after exercise will keep energy levels high and help recovery after training.

For additional proof: